Blessed are the Peacemakers

We are not called to run and hide from the world and become spiritual hermits. Often those who isolate themselves in the name of peace, tend to be a most conflicted soul.

As I do my Sunday afternoon walk, I’ve been contemplating the whole idea of being a Peacemaker and can’t help but feel very few comprehend what it means.

Matthew 5: 9 Blessed are the Peacemakers: They shall be called sons of God.

It seems absurd that I’m just grasping what it means to be a peacemaker after decades of living the Christian walk.

Being a Peacemaker is the sixth blessing in the opening verses of the sermon on the Mount. It definitely fits into the other five blessings in a progressive way.

The first four blessings have a lot to do with God doing a work in you personally. The last three including being a Peacemaker have a lot to do with making an impact in the world around us.

The first four blessings,

1. Becoming spiritual, your spiritual eyes are open for the first time.

Blessed are the poor in spirit

2. Hating sin and its effects on your life and the world around you.

Blessed are they who mourn

3. Learning the art of self control.

Blessed are the meek

4. Your appetites change completely.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness

The next three blessings help us change the world,

5. An ability to have compassion for others.

Blessed are the merciful

6. Seeing everything through the eyes of God

Blessed are the pure in heart

and now number seven, Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS.

Matthew 5: 9 Blessed are the Peacemakers: They shall be called sons of God.

Fact; you can’t create peace if you haven’t got peace.

Peace is defined in simple terms, the absence of disturbance, or having tranquillity.

I grew up in a Greek Macedonian home where there was very little peace. Lots of noise and plenty dramas. As my mum got older, she enjoyed the benefits of all the children growing up and moving out. She would say she enjoyed the tranquility of no noise, dramas or rushing around meeting everyone’s needs.

This isn’t the peace I’m talking about.

The peace Jesus is talking about is having a tranquil soul no matter your circumstances.

Unlike my mum or anyone else for that matter, it’s our quest to experience peace in the midst of war.

Jesus promises another type of peace,

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

As we grow through the process of becoming a Christian surrendered to the will of God, we become centred in our heart and unshakable.

Being a Peacemaker allows us to go into conflict environments and bring order, rather than be a person always trying to escape conflicts.

A mature believer acknowledges the responsibility they have to bring the hope that is in them to a lost world.

We are not called to run and hide from the world and become spiritual hermits.

The passage says blessed are the Peacemakers, not those who have peace.

A Peacemaker is a spiritual diplomat, representing the kingdom of God and all its benefits.

A Peacemaker has a personal relationship with Jesus.

A Peacemaker has a clear understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, relying on God’s wisdom where they can serve best.

A Peacemaker doesn’t go on the path of least resistance, but willing to walk two miles if they are asked to walk one mile.

A Peacemaker is self controlled, humble, initiates forgiveness, mercy, the benefit of doubt towards others, reflecting that they understand the first four blessings of a mature believer.

A Peacemaker will do the hard work internally, keeping their own heart from corruption, fighting for the greater good.

They speak softly, the stronger they get.

The world is in desperate need of Peacemakers to thread society together, so be that peacekeeper.

Jesus said, the Peacemaker will be called sons (children) of God, meaning, they will see God through you.

Dear Lord, I pray for every person who reads this blog to be humble and open to the riches of your wisdom. To be open to change in their heart and that their minds be renewed in every way, bringing glory to the name of Jesus. I pray for a miracle of healing where there is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sickness. Make them whole, in Jesus name.

Amen 🙏

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