God has no grandchildren

There’s a difference between fathers and grandfathers, especially in the modern world.

Let’s think for a moment about the fatherhood of God.

I read a statement of what fatherhood means; Through almost every studied culture, fathers have assumed three primary roles: the protector, the provider, and the disciplinarian

Jesus teaches us how to pray and identify God’s nature in what is known as the Lord’s Prayer. We find all three attributes of fatherhood in the prayer. God as protector, provider and disciplinarian.

Matthew 6:9-13

Pray then like this:

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.

Growing up in a traditional Greek Macedonian family where mums and dads were clearly defined but never explained, you knew that dad and mum played different roles.

Dad was revered, he didn’t ask you to respect him, you just did.

Mum was the nurturer, she didn’t ask you whether you want nurturing, she just did.

Between them both, I felt safe, provided for and given some life skills and parameters.

It seemed even when my mum & dad were no longer around, I still tried to please them. No other people in my life were revered and respected and loved the way my parents were; until you have your own children.

I had one grandmother alive when I was young, and I thought she was brilliant. I had dozens of uncles, aunties, cousins who I learned from, but none had the reverence and respect my parents got, not even my brother and sister.

There is something unique about a father, mother relationship that reveals the beautiful nature of God the Father.

God has no grandchildren, what does that mean?

It means, no-one gets in the way of God as our Father. The closest thing anyone can have as an example of God but can’t replace God, is loving Godly parents or loving Godly leaders who serve us.

As Christian parents, my wife and I dedicated our children to God. I know all too well my struggles which have been passed on to my children in some way, but I do not despair. Each one of our children belong to God the Father. My wife and I have been stewards over their lives for a season and we continue to dedicate their lives to God in the secret place of prayer and faith.

We know our children must have a personal relationship with God, and not through my wife and myself.

When I think back on my own upbringing, faith was never a conversation I had with my parents. Both mum and dad gave their lives to Jesus late in life and yet God still used them both to teach me the fundamentals of the nature of God.

God the Father is our protector, provider and disciplinarian.

I love the story of the prodigal son who wasted his inheritance and came to his senses, returned home to his father’s house expecting his father’s protection, provision and discipline. When he returned home, his father was overjoyed, gave his son the full honour of a son and celebrated his son’s restoration to the family.

God has invested everything in us through Jesus Christ His Son and His love is everlasting.

The one thing a grandparent can’t experience unless they took on the role of an immediate guardian, a grandparent often hasn’t been through the personal struggle of protecting, providing and disciplining the child to reap the reward of being revered, respected and honoured.

God’s great reward from us comes as we learn obedience, and know being obedient flows out of his discipline and love at the same time.

One response to “God has no grandchildren”

  1. Thank you Tom

    Liked by 1 person

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